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Spanish Ministry / Gustine / Los Banos


Emanuel and Rachel Medeiros


My wife and I just celebrated 20 years of living for God and marriage. We have 4 children, Emanuel Jr., Isaiah, Sariya, Monique, and our wonderful son-in-law Dimitrez. This summer we will become proud first time grandparents. 


My wife and I have been honored to serve in  Outreach, Youth and Kingdom Kids Ministries. Rachel continues to serve Kingdom Kids as a teacher each Sunday morning.


In 2013, we assumed the role of leading West Valley's Spanish Church. Our goal in this ministry is to connect with our community, and to teach/preach God's word.


It's our desire to make a difference in people's lives and get them connected to all God has for them. Come and join us this week, we look forward to meeting you.

Assistant Pastor and Life in Focus Coordinator


Philip Barraza & Angie Barraza

Philip and Angie continue to serve faithfully at West Valley Revival Center. They are devoted to the Kingdom of God and leading broken lives to Christ. Every week you can find this amazing couple surrounded by people in need of change, their lives serve as a shining example of God's Mercy and Grace. Their passion for God’s people and work is given by God. Philip & Angie for thirty-five years. They have four children and three grandchildren.


Danny & Esther Becerra

Kingdom Kids/ Missionaries to Belize in 2020

Meets every Sunday morning from 9:45am-10:45am, Esther, along with her team of volunteers Rachel Medeiros, Diane Patterson, and assistant teacher Alyah Lozada, create a friendly and fun environment to explore God’s word for kids ages five to twelve. Each week they teach exciting bible lessons on love, trust, and faith. Together they are committed to seeing their students develop great character and to help them reach their fullest potential.

Esther Becerra has led Kingdom Kids at West Valley for eight years now. She is married to Danny Becerra and together they have two boys, Levi and Luke.

in February 2020


Hyphen Leader

Naomi Lozada
Hyphen (Young Adult Ministry)

What is Hyphen?

Hyphen is an exciting ministry focusing on young adults entering either college or the workforce ages 18-30. While encountering uncharted territory and juggling new responsibilities, This ministries goal is to assist young adults in keeping Christ first.

West Valley Hyphen Goals!

To stay solidified in a relationship with God and His word, explore and develop ministry, fellowship through staying connected with other Hyphen aged adults, constantly reaching out to other young adults and integrating them into the church.

West Valley welcomes any Hyphen aged adult to take part in our events. We hold monthly gatherings such as Bible studies, outings, and other functions.


Contagious Youth Ministry


Dimitrez, Monique, and Demi 


Contagious adj; (an emotion, feeling, or attitude) likely to spread to and affect others. 


Our Goal is to allow the Love of God to become so Contagious it affects the people around us.


Student Pastors Dimitriez and Monique Barraza are dedicated to helping students ages thirteen to seventeen to grow in their faith in God by applying the principles of The Bible to their everyday lives. They also desire to reach the youth of the surrounding cities, showing them the love and faithfulness of God. 


Contagious Youth Ministry holds spirit filled services Friday nights at 7:30, and they participate in special youth services throughout California. 


 DJ and Monique have been married for 5 years and are expecting their second child.

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